
Magic is fun and it never hurts to have a party too. We hold two parties each year. The Holiday Party and the End of Year Picnic. These are great events to invite friends and family.

Holiday Party

The Holiday Party takes place in late November or early December. It is the last event of the calendar year, and is an opportunity for Mini-Wands and Top-Hat groups to interact with each other.

The location is determined each year and is typically held in the large room at the Riverview Community Centre.

This is a family and friends event. We will have some seasonal treats and drink boxes available. This is not intended to be lunch.

The agenda is pretty simple. People can visit and snack. Followed by a magic show. Participation in the show is voluntary. This is an opportunity to show your stuff in front of a friendly audience. We look forward to the magic that our young conjurers will show us.

The next class will be in early January, so you get a nice break to enjoy the season and all the other festivities that you are part of.

Registration for Holiday Party

— Registration is closed at this time —

Contact us if you have questions. Send Mail

End of Year Picnic

The End of Year Picnic takes place in late May or early June. It is the last event of the year, and is an opportunity for Mini-Wands and Top-Hat groups to interact with each other.

The location is determined each year and is typically in an outdoor park.

This is a family and friends event.

The agenda is: food, games, show, and draws.

Hot Dogs and Drinks will be provided.

Weather permitting, we will have a number of field games and challenges.

Participation in the magic show is voluntary. This is an opportunity to show your stuff in front of a friendly audience. We look forward to the magic that our young conjurers will demonstrate.

There will be a number of draws for magic related items to close out our picnic.

Registration for End of Year Picnic

— Registration is closed at this time —

Contact us if you have questions. Send Mail